Product Description

Triple your conversions rate, instantly! 28 ways to skyrocket signups and sales conversions rate almost overnight.
If you have a website that sells anything, or you’re thinking of launching one, this is probably the most profitable message you’ll ever read. There are millions of websites on the Internet trying to sell everything from simple products to lifestyle hopes and dreams, but only a very FEW of these are actually profitable “winners” while the majority are lucky to make any sales and are dead on arrival.
The Worldwide Web changes everything except the rules of business
As an Internet marketer, you’ve identified a need and created a product or service to satisfy that need. You’ve learned all about Search Engine Optimization as a strategy for driving traffic to your website. And although more visitors are coming to your site, the increased traffic isn’t generating as much revenue as you projected. Like thousands of Internet marketers, you’ve gotten your website up and running, but you know you’ve barely tapped the potential of the Worldwide Web.
You’re asking questions that thousands of other Internet marketers ask every day: How can I convert a larger proportion of visitors into buyers? And how can I convert buyers into clients for life? What makes a sales page convert visitors into buyers? Is it the sales copy, the design and layout of a page, or the perceived value of a product or service? The answer to all of these questions is contain in one simple observation: The Worldwide Web changes everything except the rules of business.
- Rule No. 1: Relationships and rapport generate revenue.
- Rule No. 2: It’s not what you say, but how you say it.
- Rule No. 3: You can’t change people, but you can create the motivation that makes them want to change.
The secret is knowing how to increase your website’s conversion rate
I hope you will use this eBook as a practical guide. It can equip you with powerful communication skills to transform your Internet marketing business. Each of the points covered here can make a difference in your business almost overnight.
When you put them all together and integrate them in an across-the-board marketing and sales strategy, they can take your Internet business to the top of the charts.
But this eBook can only work if you work with it. If you read through this book in one sitting without doing anything, nothing will change. Make something happen every day to start incorporating each individual action step into your business system. When you do that, you’ll start to achieve the full potential of your online business.
You’ll learn how to dramatically improve your conversion rate without increasing your advertising budget. You don’t have to triple traffic to your website to triple your sales—the secret is knowing how to increase your website’s conversions rate. When you lose a prospect, you lose much more than the value of the sale that wasn’t close. You lose the word of mouth that can only be created by a satisfied customer.
Effective Conversions rete
The most effective way to increase your conversion rate is to write better sales copy. Why should visitors want to buy what you’re selling? The copy on your website must explain in clear and simple language why visitors need your product or service.
Successful selling is all about speaking the language of the customer. It’s about focusing on benefits and relationships. This eBook will help you create more powerful sales copy by showing you:
- How to harness the power of persuasion.
- How to build customer rapport.
- And how to structure your message in language that persuades customers to buy.
- How to make sure your message is accept, remember, and act upon.
- How to manage the human aspects of the sales process that normally take a lifetime to master.