Product Description

The Traffic Hybrid System
The Simple Copy & Paste Traffic Method That Will Break Into Any Niche, The More Competition the Better!… 100% Guaranteed. In this guide you will learn how to get the ball rolling and start making money online ASAP in a risk-free way. And, if you play your cards right (and I’ll show you how) you can also “build a business“. Most Search Engine Optimization or Pay-Per-Click advertising guides are too long. That’s because there’s a HUGE learning curve with these techniques.
The “Traffic Hybrid System” doesn’t require any technical knowledge or hundreds of hours of setting it up. You can search online to find forums in your market that have at least 4,000-5,000 members and that accept signature files. Or, you can just copy and paste the “Find Forums” description in this guide and post on the freelancing sites. Pay-Per-Click advertising has gained a lot of popularity in the last few years. And why not? When performed correctly, it’s one of the most targeted forms of promotion.
You can bid on specific keywords and get traffic that is very targeted to whatever you are promoting. Now, I promised I would show you a way to advertise online that:
• Gets you traffic as fast as PPC
• Provides you with traffic as targeted as PPC (and often more targeted)
• Gets you as much traffic as PPC and, if you do everything I say, gets you MORE traffic than PPC
• Costs LESS per click!
Table Of Contents:
> Introduction
> The Good and The Bad of Search Engine Optimization
> The Good and The Bad of Pay-Per-Click Advertising
> An Alternative: “Paying” for a “Free” Method?
> So, Why Forums?
> HowTo Create a High-Converting Offer
> HowTo Create An Effective Signature File
> How To Post For Maximum Effect
> Why It’s Better To Target Competitive Niches
> How To Find The GOOD Forums in Your Market
> How To Find The People Who Will Do The “Dirty Work” For You
> How To Outsource Forum Posting
> Examples of Bids You May Get And How To Evaluate Them
> How To Deal With Your Workers
> How To Track Your Workers’ Performance
> HowTo Scale Everything Up (More Posters, PPC)
> Another Creative Idea
> Summary and Quick-Start Guide
> Profit Big With This Guide