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Social Traffic Powerhouse: How to target your audience the right way. Get this wrong and you would be wasting hours and hours of your time. It’s better to find out exactly who your audience is first!
Your business is all set up and running smoothly, and you are making a few dollars here and there. All of the expenses are pay and you are happy with way things are going. But wouldn’t it be better if you were making even more of a profit? Of course it would be. There isn’t a business owner anywhere in the world that wouldn’t want things to be even better than they are. After all, that’s why they got into business in the first place. No one starts a business with the intention of not getting rich.
Targeting Your Audience
The type of business you have is important in targeting your audience with social media. For example, if you own a pet supply store, you will want to find all of the pet owners out there. They are the ones interest in your products and services, and will be the “bread and butter” of your business. Someone looking for comic books isn’t going to care that you have a good sale going on for parakeet food or that you are the best dog groomer in your area.
The specifics of getting your business known through social media can be confusing at times, so it is important to start with some general guidelines and dig deeper into more specific audiences later on. After all, you want your business and branding to be on the tip of everyone’s tongue today in order to capitalize on your share of the market. Once you get a good idea of how social media can help you, targeting specific audiences will be a lot easier. With that being said, let’s explore some of the most popular social media sites and some ways you can use them to boost your business.
Facebook Traffic Tactics
With over 800 million active users, Facebook has become one of the largest social media sites. More than half of them sign in to the site in any given day, with each one having an average of 130 friends or more. Given these statistics, you might have a bit of an idea how powerful this social media tool can be in building your customer base.
Remember that customer that told a friend about your business? Imagine that happening possibly more than 130 times, with those 130 telling their friends. In a perfect world, that would expand your business exponentially like a huge spider web. But realistically, not all 130 friends will be interest in your business. However, you can still reap the benefits of even one good customer spreading the word.
Sign Up and Sign In
If you don’t have a Facebook account yet, that is your first step. If you do have a Facebook account, you won’t want to use your personal account for your business. You will definitely want to create a separate account that is strictly for your business. The site gives step by step tutorials in getting your page set up. And offers tips on creating a presence that will appeal to your customers.
They also categorize your business to make it easier for your customers to search for you. Start by choosing your business category and putting in the name of your business. After this step, you will be able to build your profile and create a Facebook page. Use your company logo or a product picture as your Profile picture. And add a summary of what your business is, your company mission, or other pertinent information. You have the option of editing the page is you are not happy with your results.
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