
Insiders Guide To Outsourcing Your Backlink Building – PLR

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This report will be a little different, because it’s hard to recommend specific backlink building providers. No, I’m not hiding any of my top secret, ninja, stealth backlink providers, it’s just that things change all the time.

Some Solid Gold Advice When Selecting Providers

  • Look for the little “extras” some backlink building providers offer. Things such as pinging, submitting RSS feeds, or bonuses. Sometimes, pinging the links and submitting RSS feeds (if done properly) can lead to your links being indexed quicker. Factor these into your decision whether or not to purchase.
  • Many times when outsourcing backlinks, people will skip a service offered by people from countries such as Russia or Latvia. Some of the best providers I’ve hired, come from countries typically frowned upon by many people who do a lot of outsourcing. Link building is a lot different from outsourcing things like graphics, article writing, or web design. Unless you want something very specific done, there’s not much communication going on. Most providers simply need to know two things.1) The URL of your site .
    2) The anchor text you would like to use.
  • Stay away from people offering services to submit your site to WHOIS directories. It is a complete waste of money and you can do it for free .
  • Get personal with the provider. After placing an order, send an email to confirm everything along with a message stating that you look forward to working with them. This simple message get your work prioritized since they know they’re dealing with a real person.

Fiverr Specific Tips

You will be hard pressed to find a better, cheaper way to get links than using Fiverr.com.

Since utilizing the site, I have found a TON of really good providers. But there were also some bad ones. I’ve learned a lot about doing business as a buyer and how to spot the good opportunities for getting dirt cheap links.

What’s awesome about this is that you can tap into some networks and distribution channels people are paying big money for monthly or benefit for software that costs hundreds of dollars, all for $5.

You also have some level of protection. If the service isn’t complete in the specified amount of time you get the $5 credited back to your account if you decide to cancel the order.

Warrior Forum Advanced Search

Many people will jump at the first sign of a great looking link building service listed on the Warrior Forum.

  • Start by clicking on the “search” link at the top of the forum:
  • Then clicking on the “advance search” option:
  • There are two places to look for providers. The WSO forum, and the Warrior For Hire section. You can find some awesome link packages in both…
  • Enter the search term for the type of link you would like created or just enter a general term in the search box. For more specific results, enter the search term in quotes.
  • On the right hand side, click on the “Warrior Special Offers Forum”, hold down your “Ctrl” key on your keyboard and also click on the “Warriors For Hire” link.
  • After this is complete, click on the “search now” button:
  • You will only see search results from those two areas of the forum:

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