
The Five Minutes Traffic Trick – PLR

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The Five Minutes Traffic Trick – PLR

Learn how to drive free targeted traffic to your website or blog the five minute traffic trick. This ‘trick’ uses a built-in web 2.0 feature – no add-ons or additional purchases needed. It is not term-breaking or ‘blackhat’ can be implement in less than 5 minutes. Your actual time will vary depending on how much traffic you are trying to draw. For your new or existing hubs or lenses. This method of generating traffic is very easy to implement yet very few people know about it.

It’s very powerful and if you use it with a great affiliate product or any product that you’re selling. It has the potential of making some money quickly. I’ve been using this method in just under a year now on squidoo. When I discovered hubpages several months ago I started using it there too. This may be just the kind of information that will take your lenses and hub pages to the next level of income and traffic generation. I discovered this trick by accident. I created a squidoo lens for one clickbank affiliate program and added some tracking to the clickbank url.

A few hours later, when I checked my clickbank account to look at something else, I discovered that I had made 3 sales from the squidoo lens that I had made. I was shocked. So I stopped everything and logged on to squidoo to see what was happening. Looked at my lens stats and I discovered that I had 198 visits to my lens.

Hub Page Source

I had done just one thing differently when I created this lens. I tested this on hubpages several weeks later and the same thing happened except this time I had 2 sales after a day. My hubpage stats showed 131 visits referred by hubpages and 148 by google search. This trick uses what are called tag pages. If you go to squidoo or hubpages and click on a tag you’ll see what a tag page is. This is a page which has a list of all the squidoo lenses / hubpages that use that tag. A tag is just like a keyword or search term which can be use to describe what a lens or hub is about.

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