
Ezine Publishing Mastery

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Product Description

E-zine publishing is an online magazine. Much like in real life, it is simply a magazine that is delivere in a digital form. Most of the E-zines today are target towards Internet distribution and is meant to promote a website.
Normally, an E-zine usually caters to a particular niche or topic. It could be anything from „How to make money online‟ to „How to train your pet‟. E-zines are distribute to their subscribers normally through e-mail. Normally people send E-zines to be publish on a consistent, pre-plan basis. For example, an e-mail will be send out everyday, every 3 days, weekly, biweekly or monthly.

These E-zines are distribut using an autoresponder. An autoresponder is programm for every subscriber to receive the e-mails in a chronological format in a sequential order. This is the biggest difference between an E-zine and it‟s offline counterpart – an E-zine can send back issues anytime regardless of when the subscriber has opt in to the E-zine, the autoresponder will do its job of follow-up from the day the subscriber has opt in and will follow through until it‟s „run‟ is exhaust.

Today, the majority of E-zines are website driven. It would be a surprising fact to know that the first E-zines were delivere on an electronic format such as CD- ROM and delivere to the subscriber‟s house by mail. There are two kinds of models relate to E-zines – the free model and the paid model. Many general interest E-zine publishers offer free access to all aspects of their online content while other publishers have opt to require a subscription fee to access premium articles or audio and video content (depending on the niche).

This does not mean that those free E-zines are not out there to make a profit. You can make a lot of money when you collect enough subscribers and you can sell them other online products. But the most important aspect of all is to collect target leads and compile them into your list.

Table of contents:

1:E-zine Publishing Exposed!
2:The Starter’s Guide to E-zine Publishing
3:Deciding and Planning Your E-zine Theme
4:Getting Content for Your E-zine
5:Getting Subscribers for Your E-zine
6:Making Money off Your E-zine
8:Recommended Resources

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