Product Description
A website is your most powerful tool for communication. A website is a unique way to connect with the world.In this age of online information and communication, websites have become a necessity for almost every business.
Companies and individuals of all ages and cultures create websites, be it for profit or for entertainment. It’s important to find a reliable web hosting company. Regarding the efficiency and server reliability, there are many web hosts not providing the service they had assured, some even shutting down without any notice.
For simple websites, you can use an HTML program, such as Microsoft Front Page or Dreamweaver, as they are relatively simple to use.There are also some good online HTML builders that will make it easy for you to design your site. In today’s trendy world, people get very uptight when they do not look entirely presentable. This would also be the case in web designing.Every individual would definitely want their website to look great, if not, to the best they can.Successful websites depend on returning visitors to account for a major part of their traffic.
Returning visitors are easier to convert into paying customers because the more often they return to a site, the more trust they have in that site.If you run a website, chances are you often wonder whether it is the right time to do a total redesign of the layout of your website.No matter how brilliant your website design is, if it is hard to reach the content of your site then your site is as useful as an empty shell.
Table of Contents:
1) Should I Create A Website? Do I Need One?
2) Is It Easy To Create Your Own Website? What Is HTML?
3) Good Design Practices
4) The Importance of A Good Design
5) How To Have Websites Built For You The Cheap Way
6) Mistakes To Avoid When Using Web Templates
7) Why Hire A Designer?
8) Who Is Your Audience?
9) Why You Should Use Graphic Templates
10) 5 Important Rules in Website Design
11) The Key to Better Websites
12) Web Design Elements You Should Avoid Having on Your Site
13) Pros and Cons of Flash-based Sites
14) Generating Revenue with Good Planning
15) How To Improve Sales Through Your Website
16) Building Your Mailing List with Downloads
17) Improve Usability of Your Website
18) When Is the Right Time to Redesign?
19) 5 Ways to Keep Visitors Coming Back
20) Website Customization: What can you do?