
Buying Websites On eBay

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Product Description

Buying an established website on eBay is a great way to own a ready-made web presence. If the website is good you can enjoy the benefit of a strong position in the search engines, capitalise on an instant flow of traffic and indeed sales.

An established website gives you the chance to “jump the queue” as you don’t have to wait months for the search engines to rank you for your chosen keyword and niche.

eBay is becoming an increasingly popular venue for traders to sell their websites because keen buyers looking for an established, profitable website are ready to snap them up.

Domain Name

First of all, does the website on sale even have a domain name?

I have seen plenty of websites being sold for hundreds of pounds which do not have a domain name. Meaning you are forking out way over the odds for something which is merely a “template” rather than a unique website.

This means if you want to put the website onto the internet, you will need to purchase a suitable domain name yourself.

Admittedly there is no great expense in doing this. But you should not be paying hundreds of pounds for something that:

  • Is not index or even acknowledge by any search engines
  • Will cost you a lot of time and money before you see any sort of return
  • Can potentially be resold countless times by the seller. Eliminating any possibility that what you have bought is “unique” in terms of content
  • You could have produced yourself for a fraction of the asking price.


After giving you plenty of food for thought regarding the domain name (if any) now we can look at the actual website itself. To see whether it is worth you parting with your hard earned money.

Some points to consider are as follows:

Design & Navigation

The concept of web design is so vast it is worthy of an entire guide of its own. However, the purpose of this guide is to give you some ideas on what to look for when buying a website on eBay.

In a nutshell, when purchasing a commercial website, it should adhere to these rules:

  • The design of the website should compliment the topic and content
  • The content should be relevant to it’s target audience
  • The website should be user-friendly with a simple and reliable navigational structure
  • The style should be professional, consistent throughout and be relevant to the content and target audience
  • The visibility of the website’s text should take priority as that is what the visitors are looking for.

Both visitors and search engines alike love fresh. New content so you will need to be able to update your website regularly to keep it interesting and useful.

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