
Winning The Online War The WordPress Way

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Unless you have never used the internet before, then it is unlikely that you haven’t heard of a blog before. WordPress blogs have become so much part of the internet because they are easy for anyone to create and update even if they have no experience with graphics, html or in fact anything else which makes the internet part of an unknown goldmine.

The basic set up…

The first thing to understand is that there are two different versions of WordPress.

At WordPress.com, you will find a free blogging platform that is hosted by WordPress themselves. Whilst using this site will enable you to create a blog very quickly and easily, this is not the version of WordPress that you are going to use because it does not have the adaptability of creating a site hosted on your own servers.

The version of WordPress that you want to focus your efforts on is available from WordPress.org. This is the version that you download and install on your own site, which obviously gives you a far greater degree of control and flexibility than you would ever have if you are using a hosted system to build your site.

Downloading the software to install WordPress is completely free, and there are detailed instructions on the site to install WordPress using what the site homepage calls the ‘famous 5-minute installation’:

However, depending upon the web host that you are using, it may be possible to install WordPress on your site even more quickly than this.

Before starting any installation, you will need to register a domain name and set up an appropriate web hosting account. Consequently, even before doing that, you need to decide what the topic or subject matter of your site is going to be.

Finding your niche and creating your product…

In order for any website to make sense, it must have a point of focus. A topic around which the whole of the site is build.

It may well be that you already have a topic or subject around which you plan to build your site. But if not, it should not be particularly difficult to find a suitable subject.

Registering a domain name and setting up hosting…

In order to register your new domain name. You need to use the services of a domain name registration company and there are literally dozens of such companies. However, my favorite domain name registration organization is the internet company. Because they offer extremely reasonable prices and are a very professional outfit.

Draw up a list of possible domain names that you might register. Starting with the most obvious one which is the name of the product. Domain names have to be unique, so someone else might have register it already, hence having the short list. Take the first name from your list. And check it by typing it into the ‘name check’ box on the homepage:

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