
SQL Server for C# Developers Succinctly

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SQL Server is a Microsoft product used to manage and store information. Technically, SQL Server is a “relational database management system” (RDMS). This book is for everyone who develops C# applications with a SQL Server database. In this book, we‟re going to connect to a database using classic ADO.NET, and using the Entity Framework, we‟re going to look at different methods to develop your database. We‟ll see common pitfalls, why your database is running slow, how we can troubleshoot performance issues, and how we can test and deploy our SQL Server database. The first half of the book has a focus on C# and development. The second half of the book has a focus on troubleshooting using the SQL Server tools.

The tools laid out in this book do not make you the best C# developer around, nor do they teach you how to be an awesome DBA. They give you the middle ground of both. I‟ve seen many developers who lack even the most basic database skills. SQL injection still happens way too often. Software becomes slow after a year of production because the SQL queries are everything but optimal. Companies have to invest in expensive server hardware because developers put queries in loops, get surprised by the lazy-loading ability of ORMs, or just write plain awful SQL queries. While this book has not helped you much in the ways of writing your queries, it hopefully helped in giving you a broader perspective on the database in general.

Parameterize your queries, but be wary of parameter sniffing. Know that your one query that takes five minutes to run is possibly blocking the entire system. Identify such bottlenecks and fix them, or prevent them from ever happening.When writing many applications, you will almost certainly need some kind of database. And when you use a database, you‟re going to have to work with it. Whether you have database administrators (DBAs) or develop both the database and the application, a little database knowledge always comes in handy.

Table of Contents:

2:SQL Server Management Studio
4:Entity Framework Database First
5:Entity Framework Code First
6:SQL Server Data Tools
8:Interception, Locking, Dynamic Management Views
9:Continuous Integration

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