
Power Effects

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Power Effects

This isn’t some animate GIF s, Flash, or Photoshop wizardry. Just “point and click” to create your own animated headlines, subheads, graphics, whatever… on the fly and get them to catch the instant attention of your website visitors! Stand out from the crowd and get your website and product noticed in an increasingly cluttered world! Many of these effects in the past had to be creating using time-consuming and expensive tools, like Flash or Photoshop animation. With Power Effects, I can churn these out in minutes, and start testing them in seconds. Yes, Flash and Photoshop do work, but there were 3 limitations to using them:

Problem #1:

They took a lot of time to make. Even if you outsource them, they can be expensive to produce, and it still takes time for your designer to put it all together for you. And if you wanted to test different variations, you’re looking at a whole lotta waiting! And even then there are no guarantees they’ll convert. What then? Back to the drawing board… Power Effects overcomes that hurdle by allowing you to create multiple effects in minutes and immediately throw them up on your website without hassle. Got an idea you want to test? Fire up Power Effects and let it do its magic for you!

Problem #2:

Heavy Flash and animated graphics can put a much bigger load on your web server. You’ve heard about server crashes during launches? Yes, I know some folks just say that to bolster their social proof. But the sad fact is, these bandwidth-hoggers are largely responsible, because there’s only so much bandwidth to go around. And you can only optimize them so much. Plus often the amount of bandwidth, or connections, is artificially restrict by web hosting companies.

Problem #3:

Heavy Flash and animated graphics increase the page load time for your visitors. This is a biggie! For one thing, more people than you realize still have dial-up and slower broadband connections, like satellite. Broadband may not be available in their area, or it simply may be too expensive for them.

The fact is, there are still tens of MILLIONS in the US  alone still lumbering along via dial-up. With Power Effects, load time is not a factor. Sure, you can include images in your effects and animations, but the images themselves can be static. Power Effects handles the animation for you!

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