
The Online Entrepreneur Motivation

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The Online Entrepreneur Motivation

The Online Entrepreneur Motivation series: Discussing ideas, strategies and mindsets to help online entrepreneurs become more successful.


We’re going to talk about business development and why it’s important to develop your business. And more specifically, the things you need to be focusing on in order to successfully build your business.

Do a Few Things Really Well

The first thing you need to realize is when it comes to success in online business, or really any business for that matter, there are just a few things you need to do well. In some cases, you could even get away with just doing one thing really well. This is a problem for a lot of new entrepreneurs, a lot of people in general who want to break into business, and they believe they have to be all things to all people.

When you start breaking it down, you start looking at the most successful entrepreneurs, the most successful companies. They were built upon the idea of specialization and the idea of becoming really, really good at providing one thing really, really well. And so you have to begin to ask yourself as an online entrepreneur, ‘What is it that makes me unique? What are the skills and practices that I bring to the table that people are going to pay me for? What do I do better than most other people. And what’s a craft or what’s a skill that I can hone and get even better at so I can get paid even more as I go along?’

It’s very important that you have this discussion with yourself early and often. Because it’s very easy, as business grows and as things get busier and as your schedule becomes more and more hectic. For you to divert your attention in a million different directions.

The thing here is to remind you, focus on doing a few things well or even just one thing well. Maybe you’re a great presenter or speaker. Maybe you’re great at programming. So, Maybe you have a knack for doing negotiations and putting teams together or brokering deals between two different companies. It’s really up to you to figure out what that special skill is that you bring to the table. And then just work on doing it really, really well and improving it all the time.

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