
j Query Succinctly

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j Query Succinctly:

j Query Succinctly was written to express, in short-order, the concepts essential to intermediate and advanced jQuery development. Its purpose is to instill in you, the reader, practices that jQuery developers take as common knowledge. Each chapter contains concepts essential to becoming a seasoned j Query developer.This book is intended for three types of readers. The first is someone who has read introductory material on jQuery and is looking for the next logical step. The second type of reader is a JavaScript developer, already versed in another library, now trying to quickly learn jQuery.

The third reader is I, the author. I craft this book to be use as my own personal reference point for j Query concepts. This is exactly the type of book I wish every JavaScript library had available. This book is purposely write with the intention that the reader will examine the code examples closely. The text should be view as secondary to the code itself.

It is my opinion that a code example is actually worth a thousand words. Do not worry if you initially find the explanations in the book to be confusing. Examine the code. Tinker with it. Reread the code comments. Repeat this process until the material becomes clear. This is the level of expertise I hope you achieve, where document code is all that is necessary for you to understand new development concepts.

j Query semantics:

The term “jQuery function” refers to the jQuery constructor function (jQuery() or alias $()) that is use to create an instance of the jQuery object. The term “wrapper set” refers to DOM elements that are wrap within jQuery methods. Specifically, this term is use to refer to the elements select using the jQuery function. You may have heard this referre to as a “jQuery collection.” In this book I will be using the term “wrapper set” instead of “jQuery collection.”

Table of Contents:

1 Core jQuery
2 Selecting
3 Traversing Chapter
4 Manipulation
5 HTML Forms
6 Events
7 jQuery and the Web Browser
9 Effects

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